Monday, May 18, 2015

Mug Shot: Leon

Who's this? Oh, it's just cafe pal, Leon. He used to breed leopards before inventing the first stand-up paddle boat. But that was all after he got run over by a military tank on the island of Jerba. Don't worry, he willed himself out of paralysis and joined the Israeli circus.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bean Scene: Plug In

On my way out to my car, I ran into a regular on his way in from his car.
He looked upset.
"You OK?" I asked.
"Well..." he shrugged.
"I'm just here on my lunch break. I drove from south of down town to come here because I just feel off. I feel disconnected and wanted to be somewhere familiar," he continued.
"Oh man, I'm sorry. Need a hug?" I offered.
I continued to my car.
He continued from his car.
And everything was OK.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bean Scene: Mothers Day Community Style

Fact: Two years ago I became a single Mom.
Fact: It has been a wide awake nightmare that would terrify even Vampire Zombies.
Fact: Nonetheless, Noah. I get Noah. I get to be his Mommy. I get to teach him poems, help him problem solve how to build barns out of straws, sing him to sleep, bake cupcakes with him, make up with him when I'm too harsh or he's disobedient, watch him pick his own outfits, let him run under my legs when I'm doing ballet, climb trees with him, build puzzles with him, find out what ideas he has, find out what he's feeling, find out who he is.

This Mothers Day all I wanted to do was hang out with him doing normal stuff. But when I got to the cafe, some dear friends had conspired to teach Noah how to make his Mommy feel extra loved. They had gone shopping for expensive and personalized sweets and a card. They had Noah secretly write on the card and deliver the whole package to me with a huge hug and kiss.

Today I feel not only lucky to be Noah's mom, but lucky to be raising him amongst a community of people who do things like this. My parents are in Western Pennsylvania. My brother is hours away. But here I am, In Los Angeles, a single mom with no nearby family, and yet so rich in relationships. When we stop focusing on what we don't have, on what we've lost or are afraid to lose and stare steadily at the gold in our hands, then truly we can say: "I have nothing to complain about."

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers in all the corners of the world. And Happy Mothers Day to all those who are loving mothers day by day.